Uses of Class
Uses of ProvisioningReport in
Methods in that return types with arguments of type ProvisioningReport Modifier and Type Method Description ArrayList<ProvisioningReport>
ReconciliationRestClient. pull(CSVPullSpec spec, InputStream csv)
Uses of ProvisioningReport in org.apache.syncope.client.console.wizards
Methods in org.apache.syncope.client.console.wizards that return types with arguments of type ProvisioningReport Modifier and Type Method Description protected ArrayList<ProvisioningReport>
CSVPullWizardBuilder. onApplyInternal(CSVPullSpec modelObject)
Uses of ProvisioningReport in org.apache.syncope.client.console.wizards.any
Constructor parameters in org.apache.syncope.client.console.wizards.any with type arguments of type ProvisioningReport Constructor Description ProvisioningReportsPanel(String id, List<ProvisioningReport> results, PageReference pageRef)
Uses of ProvisioningReport in
Method parameters in with type arguments of type ProvisioningReport Modifier and Type Method Description static String
ProvisioningReport. generate(Collection<ProvisioningReport> results, TraceLevel level)
Helper method to invoke logging per provisioning result, for the given trace level. -
Uses of ProvisioningReport in
Methods in that return types with arguments of type ProvisioningReport Modifier and Type Method Description List<ProvisioningReport>
ReconciliationService. pull(CSVPullSpec spec, InputStream csv)
Pulls the CSV input into Syncope according to the provided specification.List<ProvisioningReport>
ReconciliationService. pull(ReconQuery query, @NotNull PullTaskTO pullTask)
Pulls the matching user, group, any object or linked account from the External Resource into Syncope.List<ProvisioningReport>
ReconciliationService. push(ReconQuery query, @NotNull PushTaskTO pushTask)
Pushes the matching user, group, any object or linked account in Syncope onto the External Resource. -
Uses of ProvisioningReport in org.apache.syncope.core.logic
Methods in org.apache.syncope.core.logic that return types with arguments of type ProvisioningReport Modifier and Type Method Description List<ProvisioningReport>
ReconciliationLogic. pull(String anyTypeKey, String resourceKey, String anyKey, Set<String> moreAttrsToGet, PullTaskTO pullTask)
ReconciliationLogic. pull(String anyTypeKey, String resourceKey, Filter filter, Set<String> moreAttrsToGet, PullTaskTO pullTask)
ReconciliationLogic. pull(CSVPullSpec spec, InputStream csv)
protected List<ProvisioningReport>
ReconciliationLogic. pull(ExternalResource resource, Provision provision, ReconFilterBuilder reconFilterBuilder, Set<String> moreAttrsToGet, PullTaskTO pullTask)
ReconciliationLogic. push(String anyTypeKey, String resourceKey, String anyKey, PushTaskTO pushTask)
ReconciliationLogic. push(String anyTypeKey, String resourceKey, Filter filter, Set<String> moreAttrsToGet, PushTaskTO pushTask)
ReconciliationLogic. push(SearchCond searchCond, int page, int size, List<OrderByClause> orderBy, String realm, CSVPushSpec spec, OutputStream os)
Uses of ProvisioningReport in org.apache.syncope.core.provisioning.api
Methods in org.apache.syncope.core.provisioning.api with parameters of type ProvisioningReport Modifier and Type Method Description Pair<UserUR,List<PropagationStatus>>
UserProvisioningManager. update(UserUR userUR, ProvisioningReport result, Boolean enabled, Set<String> excludedResources, boolean nullPriorityAsync, String updater, String context)
Uses of ProvisioningReport in org.apache.syncope.core.provisioning.api.pushpull
Methods in org.apache.syncope.core.provisioning.api.pushpull that return ProvisioningReport Modifier and Type Method Description ProvisioningReport
SyncopeSinglePushExecutor. push(ExternalResource resource, Provision provision, Connector connector, LinkedAccount account, PushTaskTO pushTaskTO, String executor)
Methods in org.apache.syncope.core.provisioning.api.pushpull that return types with arguments of type ProvisioningReport Modifier and Type Method Description List<ProvisioningReport>
ProvisioningProfile. getResults()
SyncopeSinglePullExecutor. pull(ExternalResource resource, Provision provision, Connector connector, ReconFilterBuilder reconFilterBuilder, Set<String> moreAttrsToGet, PullTaskTO pullTaskTO, String executor)
SyncopeSinglePushExecutor. push(ExternalResource resource, Provision provision, Connector connector, Any<?> any, PushTaskTO pushTaskTO, String executor)
Methods in org.apache.syncope.core.provisioning.api.pushpull with parameters of type ProvisioningReport Modifier and Type Method Description default void
PullActions. after(ProvisioningProfile<?,?> profile, SyncDelta delta, EntityTO entity, ProvisioningReport result)
Action to be executed after each local entity pull.default void
PushActions. after(ProvisioningProfile<?,?> profile, Entity entity, ProvisioningReport result)
Action to be executed after each local entity push.default void
PushActions. onError(ProvisioningProfile<?,?> profile, Entity entity, ProvisioningReport result, Exception error)
Action to be executed after entity push goes on error. -
Uses of ProvisioningReport in
Methods in that return types with arguments of type ProvisioningReport Modifier and Type Method Description List<ProvisioningReport>
SyncopeStreamPullExecutor. pull(AnyType anyType, String keyColumn, List<String> columns, ConflictResolutionAction conflictResolutionAction, String pullCorrelationRule, Connector connector, PullTaskTO pullTaskTO, String executor)
SyncopeStreamPushExecutor. push(AnyType anyType, List<? extends Any<?>> anys, List<String> columns, Connector connector, List<String> propagationActions, PushTaskTO pushTaskTO, String executor)
Uses of ProvisioningReport in
Methods in with parameters of type ProvisioningReport Modifier and Type Method Description Pair<UserUR,List<PropagationStatus>>
DefaultUserProvisioningManager. update(UserUR userUR, ProvisioningReport result, Boolean enabled, Set<String> excludedResources, boolean nullPriorityAsync, String updater, String context)
Uses of ProvisioningReport in
Methods in that return ProvisioningReport Modifier and Type Method Description ProvisioningReport
SinglePushJobDelegate. push(ExternalResource resource, Provision provision, Connector connector, LinkedAccount account, PushTaskTO pushTaskTO, String executor)
Methods in that return types with arguments of type ProvisioningReport Modifier and Type Method Description List<ProvisioningReport>
SinglePullJobDelegate. pull(ExternalResource resource, Provision provision, Connector connector, ReconFilterBuilder reconFilterBuilder, Set<String> moreAttrsToGet, PullTaskTO pullTaskTO, String executor)
SinglePushJobDelegate. push(ExternalResource resource, Provision provision, Connector connector, Any<?> any, PushTaskTO pushTaskTO, String executor)
Methods in with parameters of type ProvisioningReport Modifier and Type Method Description void
DBPasswordPullActions. after(ProvisioningProfile<?,?> profile, SyncDelta delta, EntityTO any, ProvisioningReport result)
LDAPMembershipPullActions. after(ProvisioningProfile<?,?> profile, SyncDelta delta, EntityTO entity, ProvisioningReport result)
Keep track of members of the group being updated after actual update took place.void
LDAPPasswordPullActions. after(ProvisioningProfile<?,?> profile, SyncDelta delta, EntityTO entity, ProvisioningReport result)
protected void
AbstractPushResultHandler. assign(Any<?> any, Boolean enabled, ProvisioningReport result)
protected AuditElements.Result
DefaultRealmPullResultHandler. create(RealmTO realmTO, SyncDelta delta, UnmatchingRule unmatchingRule, ProvisioningReport result)
protected void
AbstractPullResultHandler. createRemediation(String anyType, String anyKey, AnyCR anyCR, AnyUR anyUR, ProvisioningReport result, SyncDelta delta)
protected void
AbstractPullResultHandler. createRemediationIfNeeded(AnyUR anyUR, SyncDelta delta, ProvisioningReport result)
protected void
AbstractPushResultHandler. deprovision(Any<?> any, ConnectorObject beforeObj, ProvisioningReport result)
protected void
DefaultUserPushResultHandler. deprovision(Any<?> any, ConnectorObject beforeObj, ProvisioningReport result)
protected abstract AnyUR
AbstractPullResultHandler. doUpdate(AnyTO before, AnyUR anyUR, SyncDelta delta, ProvisioningReport result)
protected AnyUR
DefaultAnyObjectPullResultHandler. doUpdate(AnyTO before, AnyUR req, SyncDelta delta, ProvisioningReport result)
protected AnyUR
DefaultGroupPullResultHandler. doUpdate(AnyTO before, AnyUR req, SyncDelta delta, ProvisioningReport result)
protected AnyUR
DefaultUserPullResultHandler. doUpdate(AnyTO before, AnyUR req, SyncDelta delta, ProvisioningReport result)
protected void
AbstractPushResultHandler. link(Any<?> any, boolean unlink, ProvisioningReport result)
protected void
AbstractPushResultHandler. provision(Any<?> any, Boolean enable, ProvisioningReport result)
protected void
DefaultUserPushResultHandler. provision(Any<?> any, Boolean enabled, ProvisioningReport result)
protected void
DefaultUserPushResultHandler. provision(LinkedAccount account, Boolean enable, ProvisioningReport result)
protected static void
AbstractPushResultHandler. reportPropagation(ProvisioningReport result, PropagationReporter reporter)
protected void
AbstractPushResultHandler. unassign(Any<?> any, ConnectorObject beforeObj, ProvisioningReport result)
protected void
AbstractPushResultHandler. update(Any<?> any, Boolean enable, ConnectorObject beforeObj, ProvisioningReport result)
protected void
DefaultUserPushResultHandler. update(Any<?> any, Boolean enable, ConnectorObject beforeObj, ProvisioningReport result)
protected void
DefaultUserPushResultHandler. update(LinkedAccount account, Boolean enable, ConnectorObject beforeObj, ResourceOperation operation, ProvisioningReport result)
Method parameters in with type arguments of type ProvisioningReport Modifier and Type Method Description protected String
AbstractProvisioningJobDelegate. createReport(Collection<ProvisioningReport> provResults, ExternalResource resource, boolean dryRun)
Create a textual report of the provisioning operation, based on the trace level.protected String
AbstractProvisioningJobDelegate. generate(Collection<ProvisioningReport> results, TraceLevel level)
Helper method to invoke logging per provisioning result, for the given trace level. -
Uses of ProvisioningReport in
Methods in that return types with arguments of type ProvisioningReport Modifier and Type Method Description List<ProvisioningReport>
StreamPullJobDelegate. pull(AnyType anyType, String keyColumn, List<String> columns, ConflictResolutionAction conflictResolutionAction, String pullCorrelationRule, Connector connector, PullTaskTO pullTaskTO, String executor)
StreamPushJobDelegate. push(AnyType anyType, List<? extends Any<?>> anys, List<String> columns, Connector connector, List<String> propagationActions, PushTaskTO pushTaskTO, String executor)
Methods in with parameters of type ProvisioningReport Modifier and Type Method Description protected void
StreamAnyObjectPushResultHandler. provision(Any<?> any, Boolean enabled, ProvisioningReport result)
protected void
StreamGroupPushResultHandler. provision(Any<?> any, Boolean enabled, ProvisioningReport result)
protected void
StreamUserPushResultHandler. provision(Any<?> any, Boolean enabled, ProvisioningReport result)
Uses of ProvisioningReport in
Methods in that return types with arguments of type ProvisioningReport Modifier and Type Method Description List<ProvisioningReport>
ReconciliationServiceImpl. pull(CSVPullSpec spec, InputStream csv)
ReconciliationServiceImpl. pull(ReconQuery query, PullTaskTO pullTask)
ReconciliationServiceImpl. push(ReconQuery query, PushTaskTO pushTask)