Interface PullActions

    • Method Detail

      • moreAttrsToGet

        default Set<String> moreAttrsToGet​(ProvisioningProfile<?,​?> profile,
                                           OrgUnit orgUnit)
        Return additional attributes to include in the result from the underlying connector.
        profile - profile of the pull being executed.
        orgUnit - Realm provisioning information
        additional attributes to include in the result from the underlying connector
      • moreAttrsToGet

        default Set<String> moreAttrsToGet​(ProvisioningProfile<?,​?> profile,
                                           Provision provision)
        Return additional attributes to include in the result from the underlying connector.
        profile - profile of the pull being executed.
        provision - Any provisioning information
        additional attributes to include in the result from the underlying connector
      • preprocess

        default SyncDelta preprocess​(ProvisioningProfile<?,​?> profile,
                                     SyncDelta delta)
        Pre-process the pull information received by the underlying connector, before any internal activity occurs.
        profile - profile of the pull being executed.
        delta - retrieved pull information
        pull information, possibly altered.
      • beforeProvision

        default void beforeProvision​(ProvisioningProfile<?,​?> profile,
                                     SyncDelta delta,
                                     AnyCR createReq)
                              throws org.quartz.JobExecutionException
        Action to be executed before to create a pulled entity locally. The entity is created locally upon pull in case of the un-matching rule UnmatchingRule.PROVISION (default un-matching rule) is applied.
        profile - profile of the pull being executed.
        delta - retrieved pull information
        createReq - create request
        org.quartz.JobExecutionException - in case of generic failure
      • beforeProvision

        default void beforeProvision​(ProvisioningProfile<?,​?> profile,
                                     SyncDelta delta,
                                     LinkedAccountTO linkedAccount)
                              throws org.quartz.JobExecutionException
        Action to be executed before locally creating a linked account.
        profile - profile of the pull being executed.
        delta - retrieved pull information
        linkedAccount - create request
        org.quartz.JobExecutionException - in case of generic failure
      • beforeProvision

        default void beforeProvision​(ProvisioningProfile<?,​?> profile,
                                     SyncDelta delta,
                                     RealmTO realm)
                              throws org.quartz.JobExecutionException
        Action to be executed before to create a pulled realm locally. The realm is created locally upon pull in case of the un-matching rule UnmatchingRule.PROVISION (default un-matching rule) is applied.
        profile - profile of the pull being executed.
        delta - retrieved pull information
        realm - realm
        org.quartz.JobExecutionException - in case of generic failure
      • beforeAssign

        default void beforeAssign​(ProvisioningProfile<?,​?> profile,
                                  SyncDelta delta,
                                  AnyCR createReq)
                           throws org.quartz.JobExecutionException
        Action to be executed before creating (and linking to the resource) a pulled entity locally. The entity is created locally and linked to the pulled resource upon pull in case of the un-matching rule UnmatchingRule.ASSIGN is applied.
        profile - profile of the pull being executed.
        delta - retrieved pull information
        createReq - create request
        org.quartz.JobExecutionException - in case of generic failure
      • beforeAssign

        default void beforeAssign​(ProvisioningProfile<?,​?> profile,
                                  SyncDelta delta,
                                  LinkedAccountTO linkedAccount)
                           throws org.quartz.JobExecutionException
        Action to be executed before locally creating a linked account.
        profile - profile of the pull being executed.
        delta - retrieved pull information
        linkedAccount - linked account
        org.quartz.JobExecutionException - in case of generic failure
      • beforeAssign

        default void beforeAssign​(ProvisioningProfile<?,​?> profile,
                                  SyncDelta delta,
                                  RealmTO realm)
                           throws org.quartz.JobExecutionException
        Action to be executed before creating (and linking to the resource) a pulled realm locally. The realm is created locally and linked to the pulled resource upon pull in case of the un-matching rule UnmatchingRule.ASSIGN is applied.
        profile - profile of the pull being executed.
        delta - retrieved pull information
        realm - realm
        org.quartz.JobExecutionException - in case of generic failure
      • beforeUnassign

        default void beforeUnassign​(ProvisioningProfile<?,​?> profile,
                                    SyncDelta delta,
                                    EntityTO entity)
                             throws org.quartz.JobExecutionException
        Action to be executed before unlinking resource from the pulled entity and de-provisioning. The entity is unlinked and de-provisioned from the pulled resource upon pull in case of the matching rule MatchingRule.UNASSIGN is applied.
        profile - profile of the pull being executed.
        delta - retrieved pull information
        entity - entity
        org.quartz.JobExecutionException - in case of generic failure
      • beforeDeprovision

        default void beforeDeprovision​(ProvisioningProfile<?,​?> profile,
                                       SyncDelta delta,
                                       EntityTO entity)
                                throws org.quartz.JobExecutionException
        Action to be executed before de-provisioning action only. The entity is de-provisioned (without unlinking) from the pulled resource upon pull in case of the matching rule MatchingRule.DEPROVISION is applied.
        profile - profile of the pull being executed.
        delta - retrieved pull information
        entity - entity
        org.quartz.JobExecutionException - in case of generic failure
      • beforeUnlink

        default void beforeUnlink​(ProvisioningProfile<?,​?> profile,
                                  SyncDelta delta,
                                  EntityTO entity)
                           throws org.quartz.JobExecutionException
        Action to be executed before unlinking resource from the pulled entity. The entity is unlinked (without de-provisioning) from the pulled resource upon pull in case of the matching rule MatchingRule.UNLINK is applied.
        profile - profile of the pull being executed.
        delta - retrieved pull information
        entity - entity
        org.quartz.JobExecutionException - in case of generic failure
      • beforeLink

        default void beforeLink​(ProvisioningProfile<?,​?> profile,
                                SyncDelta delta,
                                EntityTO entity)
                         throws org.quartz.JobExecutionException
        Action to be executed before linking resource to the pulled entity. The entity is linked (without updating) to the pulled resource upon pull in case of the matching rule MatchingRule.LINK is applied.
        profile - profile of the pull being executed.
        delta - retrieved pull information
        entity - entity
        org.quartz.JobExecutionException - in case of generic failure
      • beforeUpdate

        default void beforeUpdate​(ProvisioningProfile<?,​?> profile,
                                  SyncDelta delta,
                                  EntityTO entity,
                                  AnyUR anyUR)
                           throws org.quartz.JobExecutionException
        Action to be executed before to update a pulled entity locally. The entity is updated upon pull in case of the matching rule MatchingRule.UPDATE (default matching rule) is applied.
        profile - profile of the pull being executed.
        delta - retrieved pull information
        entity - entity
        anyUR - modification
        org.quartz.JobExecutionException - in case of generic failure.
      • beforeDelete

        default void beforeDelete​(ProvisioningProfile<?,​?> profile,
                                  SyncDelta delta,
                                  EntityTO entity)
                           throws org.quartz.JobExecutionException
        Action to be executed before to delete a pulled entity locally.
        profile - profile of the pull being executed.
        delta - retrieved pull information
        entity - entity
        org.quartz.JobExecutionException - in case of generic failure
      • after

        default void after​(ProvisioningProfile<?,​?> profile,
                           SyncDelta delta,
                           EntityTO entity,
                           ProvisioningReport result)
                    throws org.quartz.JobExecutionException
        Action to be executed after each local entity pull.
        profile - profile of the pull being executed.
        delta - retrieved pull information (may be modified by beforeProvisionTO / beforeUpdate / beforeDelete)
        entity - entity
        result - global pull results at the current pull step
        org.quartz.JobExecutionException - in case of generic failure
      • onError

        default IgnoreProvisionException onError​(ProvisioningProfile<?,​?> profile,
                                                 SyncDelta delta,
                                                 Exception e)
                                          throws org.quartz.JobExecutionException
        Action to be executed in case an exception is thrown during pull.
        profile - profile of the pull being executed.
        delta - retrieved pull information (may be modified by beforeProvisionTO / beforeUpdate / beforeDelete)
        e - the exception thrown
        an instance of the given exception type is that is to be thrown; NULL otherwise
        org.quartz.JobExecutionException - in case of generic failure