Class LDAPPasswordPullActions

    • Constructor Detail

      • LDAPPasswordPullActions

        public LDAPPasswordPullActions()
    • Method Detail

      • moreAttrsToGet

        public Set<String> moreAttrsToGet​(ProvisioningProfile<?,​?> profile,
                                          Provision provision)
        Description copied from interface: PullActions
        Return additional attributes to include in the result from the underlying connector.
        Specified by:
        moreAttrsToGet in interface PullActions
        profile - profile of the pull being executed.
        provision - Any provisioning information
        additional attributes to include in the result from the underlying connector
      • after

        public void after​(ProvisioningProfile<?,​?> profile,
                          SyncDelta delta,
                          EntityTO entity,
                          ProvisioningReport result)
                   throws org.quartz.JobExecutionException
        Description copied from interface: PullActions
        Action to be executed after each local entity pull.
        Specified by:
        after in interface PullActions
        profile - profile of the pull being executed.
        delta - retrieved pull information (may be modified by beforeProvisionTO / beforeUpdate / beforeDelete)
        entity - entity
        result - global pull results at the current pull step
        org.quartz.JobExecutionException - in case of generic failure