Interface PropagationActions

All Known Implementing Classes:
AzurePropagationActions, DBPasswordPropagationActions, GenerateRandomPasswordPropagationActions, GoogleAppsPropagationActions, LDAPMembershipPropagationActions, LDAPPasswordPropagationActions

public interface PropagationActions
  • Method Details

    • moreAttrsToGet

      default Set<String> moreAttrsToGet(Optional<PropagationTaskInfo> taskInfo, OrgUnit orgUnit)
      Return additional attributes to include in the result from the underlying connector.
      taskInfo - propagation task
      orgUnit - Realm provisioning information
      additional attributes to include in the result from the underlying connector
    • moreAttrsToGet

      default Set<String> moreAttrsToGet(Optional<PropagationTaskInfo> taskInfo, Provision provision)
      Return additional attributes to include in the result from the underlying connector.
      taskInfo - propagation task
      provision - Any provisioning information
      additional attributes to include in the result from the underlying connector
    • before

      default void before(PropagationTaskInfo taskInfo)
      Executes logic before actual propagation.
      taskInfo - propagation task
    • onError

      default void onError(PropagationTaskInfo taskInfo, TaskExec<PropagationTask> execution, Exception error)
      Executes logic in case of propagation error. This method can throw IgnoreProvisionException to ignore the reported error and continue.
      taskInfo - propagation task
      execution - execution result
      error - propagation error
    • after

      default void after(PropagationTaskInfo taskInfo, TaskExec<PropagationTask> execution, ConnectorObject afterObj)
      Executes logic after actual propagation.
      taskInfo - propagation task
      execution - execution result
      afterObj - connector object read after propagation