Class PagedConnObjectResult

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, BaseBean

public class PagedConnObjectResult extends Object implements BaseBean
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PagedConnObjectResult

      public PagedConnObjectResult()
  • Method Details

    • getNext

      public URI getNext()
    • setNext

      public void setNext(URI next)
    • getPagedResultsCookie

      public String getPagedResultsCookie()
      Returns the opaque cookie which should be used with the next paged results search request.
      The opaque cookie which should be used with the next paged results search request, or null if paged results were not requested, or if there are not more pages to be returned.
    • setPagedResultsCookie

      public void setPagedResultsCookie(String pagedResultsCookie)
      pagedResultsCookie - The opaque cookie which should be used with the next paged results search request, or null if paged results were not requested, or if there are not more pages to be returned.
    • getRemainingPagedResults

      public int getRemainingPagedResults()
      Returns an estimate of the total number of remaining results to be returned in subsequent paged results search requests.
      An estimate of the total number of remaining results to be returned in subsequent paged results search requests, or -1 if paged results were not requested, or if the total number of remaining results is unknown.
    • setRemainingPagedResults

      public void setRemainingPagedResults(int remainingPagedResults)
      remainingPagedResults - An estimate of the total number of remaining results to be returned in subsequent paged results search requests, or -1 if paged results were not requested, or if the total number of remaining results is unknown.
    • isAllResultsReturned

      public boolean isAllResultsReturned()
      Returns a flag indicating whether all the results other match a search query were returned.
      true if the search returned all the results other match the query, false if the returned result is not complete, e.g. if the server returned only part of the results due to server limits, errors, etc.
    • setAllResultsReturned

      public void setAllResultsReturned(boolean allResultsReturned)
      allResultsReturned - Set to true if the search returned all the results other match the query. Set to false if the returned result is not complete, e.g. if the server returned only part of the results due to server limits, errors, etc.
    • getResult

      public List<ConnObject> getResult()
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object