Interface AnyDAO<A extends Any<?>>

    • Method Detail

      • authFind

        A authFind​(String key)
      • findByDerAttrValue

        List<A> findByDerAttrValue​(DerSchema schema,
                                   String value,
                                   boolean ignoreCaseMatch)
        Find any objects by derived attribute value. This method could fail if one or more string literals contained into the derived attribute value provided derive from identifier (schema key) replacement. When you are going to specify a derived attribute expression you must be quite sure that string literals used to build the expression cannot be found into the attribute values used to replace attribute schema keys used as identifiers.
        schema - derived schema
        value - derived attribute value
        ignoreCaseMatch - whether comparison for string values should take case into account or not
        list of any objects
      • getAllMatchingCond

        SearchCond getAllMatchingCond()
        the search condition to match all entities
      • count

        int count()
        the total number of any objects of type AnyDAO
      • findAll

        List<A> findAll​(int page,
                        int itemsPerPage)
        Find any objects without any limitation, according to given page and items per page.
        page - search result page
        itemsPerPage - items per search result page
        any objects of type AnyDAO matching the provided conditions
      • findAllKeys

        List<String> findAllKeys​(int page,
                                 int itemsPerPage)
        Find any objects' keys without any limitation, according to given page and items per page.
        page - search result page
        itemsPerPage - items per search result page
        any objects' keys matching the provided conditions
      • save

        A save​(A any)
      • delete

        void delete​(String key)
      • delete

        void delete​(A any)