Interface Connector

All Known Implementing Classes:
ConnectorFacadeProxy, CSVStreamConnector

public interface Connector
Entry point for making requests on underlying connector bundles.
  • Method Details

    • authenticate

      Uid authenticate(String username, String password, OperationOptions options)
      Authenticate user on a connector instance.
      username - the name based credential for authentication
      password - the password based credential for authentication
      options - ConnId's OperationOptions
      Uid of the account that was used to authenticate
    • create

      Uid create(ObjectClass objectClass, Set<Attribute> attrs, OperationOptions options, AtomicReference<Boolean> propagationAttempted)
      Create user, group or any object on a connector instance.
      objectClass - ConnId's object class
      attrs - attributes for creation
      options - ConnId's OperationOptions
      propagationAttempted - if creation is actually performed (based on connector instance's capabilities)
      Uid for created object
    • update

      Uid update(ObjectClass objectClass, Uid uid, Set<Attribute> attrs, OperationOptions options, AtomicReference<Boolean> propagationAttempted)
      Update user, group or any object on a connector instance.
      objectClass - ConnId's object class
      uid - remote identifier
      attrs - attributes for update
      options - ConnId's OperationOptions
      propagationAttempted - if creation is actually performed (based on connector instance's capabilities)
      Uid for updated object
    • updateDelta

      Set<AttributeDelta> updateDelta(ObjectClass objectClass, Uid uid, Set<AttributeDelta> modifications, OperationOptions options, AtomicReference<Boolean> propagationAttempted)
      Partial update user, group or any object on a connector instance.
      objectClass - ConnId's object class
      uid - remote identifier
      modifications - attribute modifications to apply
      options - ConnId's OperationOptions
      propagationAttempted - if creation is actually performed (based on connector instance's capabilities)
      the applied modifications
    • delete

      void delete(ObjectClass objectClass, Uid uid, OperationOptions options, AtomicReference<Boolean> propagationAttempted)
      Delete user, group or any object on a connector instance.
      objectClass - ConnId's object class
      uid - user to be deleted
      options - ConnId's OperationOptions
      propagationAttempted - if deletion is actually performed (based on connector instance's capabilities)
    • fullReconciliation

      default void fullReconciliation(ObjectClass objectClass, SyncResultsHandler handler, OperationOptions options)
      Fetches all remote objects (for use during full reconciliation).
      objectClass - ConnId's object class.
      handler - to be used to handle deltas.
      options - ConnId's OperationOptions.
    • filteredReconciliation

      default void filteredReconciliation(ObjectClass objectClass, ReconFilterBuilder filterBuilder, SyncResultsHandler handler, OperationOptions options)
      Fetches remote objects (for use during filtered reconciliation).
      objectClass - ConnId's object class.
      filterBuilder - reconciliation filter builder
      handler - to be used to handle deltas.
      options - ConnId's OperationOptions.
    • sync

      void sync(ObjectClass objectClass, SyncToken token, SyncResultsHandler handler, OperationOptions options)
      Sync remote objects from a connector instance.
      objectClass - ConnId's object class
      token - to be passed to the underlying connector
      handler - to be used to handle deltas
      options - ConnId's OperationOptions
    • getLatestSyncToken

      SyncToken getLatestSyncToken(ObjectClass objectClass)
      Read latest sync token from a connector instance.
      objectClass - ConnId's object class.
      latest sync token
    • livesync

      void livesync(ObjectClass objectClass, LiveSyncResultsHandler handler, OperationOptions options)
      Live sync remote objects from a connector instance.
      objectClass - ConnId's object class
      handler - to be used to handle deltas
      options - ConnId's OperationOptions
    • getObject

      ConnectorObject getObject(ObjectClass objectClass, Attribute connObjectKey, boolean ignoreCaseMatch, OperationOptions options)
      Get remote object.
      objectClass - ConnId's object class
      connObjectKey - ConnId's key attribute
      ignoreCaseMatch - whether match should be performed regardless of the value case
      options - ConnId's OperationOptions
      ConnId's connector object for given uid
    • search

      SearchResult search(ObjectClass objectClass, Filter filter, SearchResultsHandler handler, OperationOptions options)
      Search for remote objects.
      objectClass - ConnId's object class
      filter - search filter
      handler - class responsible for working with the objects returned from the search; may be null.
      options - ConnId's OperationOptions
      search result
    • search

      default SearchResult search(ObjectClass objectClass, Filter filter, SearchResultsHandler handler, int pageSize, String pagedResultsCookie, List<> sort, OperationOptions options)
      Search for remote objects.
      objectClass - ConnId's object class
      filter - search filter
      handler - class responsible for working with the objects returned from the search; may be null.
      pageSize - requested page results page size
      pagedResultsCookie - an opaque cookie which is used by the connector to track its position in the set of query results
      sort - the sort keys which should be used for ordering the ConnectorObject returned by search request
      options - ConnId's OperationOptions
      search result
    • getObjectClassInfo

      Set<ObjectClassInfo> getObjectClassInfo()
      Builds metadata description of ConnId ObjectClass.
      metadata description of ConnId ObjectClass
    • validate

      void validate()
      Validate connector instance.
    • test

      void test()
      Check connection.
    • dispose

      void dispose()
      Dispose of any resources associated with connector instance.
    • getConnInstance

      ConnInstance getConnInstance()
      Getter for active connector instance.
      active connector instance.