Interface AuditManager

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface AuditManager
  • Method Details

    • auditRequested

      boolean auditRequested(String domain, String who, OpEvent.CategoryType type, String category, String subcategory, String op)
      Checks if audit is requested matching the provided conditions.
      domain - domain
      who - user triggering the event
      type - event category type
      category - event category
      subcategory - event subcategory
      op - operation
      created notification tasks
    • audit

      void audit(AfterHandlingEvent event)
      Create audit entries according to the provided event.
      event - Spring event raised during Logic processing
    • audit

      void audit(String domain, String who, OpEvent.CategoryType type, String category, String subcategory, String op, OpEvent.Outcome outcome, Object before, Object output, Object... input)
      Create audit entries for each audit matching provided conditions.
      domain - domain
      who - user triggering the event
      type - event category type
      category - event category
      subcategory - event subcategory
      op - operation
      outcome - result value condition.
      before - object(s) available before the event
      output - object(s) produced by the event
      input - object(s) provided to the event