Interface AccessTokenService

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@Path("accessTokens") public interface AccessTokenService extends JAXRSService
REST operations for access tokens.
  • Method Details

    • login

      @POST @Path("login") @Produces({"application/json","application/yaml","application/xml"}) Response login()
      Returns an empty response bearing the X-Syncope-Token header value, in case of successful authentication. The provided value is a signed JSON Web Token.
      empty response bearing the X-Syncope-Token header value, in case of successful authentication
    • refresh

      @POST @Path("refresh") @Produces({"application/json","application/yaml","application/xml"}) Response refresh()
      Returns an empty response bearing the X-Syncope-Token header value, with extended lifetime. The provided value is a signed JSON Web Token.
      an empty response bearing the X-Syncope-Token header value, with extended lifetime
    • logout

      @POST @Path("logout") @Produces({"application/json","application/yaml","application/xml"}) void logout()
      Invalidates the access token of the requesting user.
    • list

      @GET @Consumes({"application/json","application/yaml","application/xml"}) @Produces({"application/json","application/yaml","application/xml"}) PagedResult<AccessTokenTO> list(@BeanParam AccessTokenQuery query)
      Returns a paged list of existing access tokens matching the given query.
      query - query conditions
      paged list of existing access tokens matching the given query
    • delete

      @DELETE @Path("{key}") @Produces({"application/json","application/yaml","application/xml"}) void delete(@PathParam("key") String key)
      Invalidates the access token matching the provided key.
      key - access token key