Class SyncopeServiceImpl

    • Method Detail

      • searchAssignableGroups

        public PagedResult<GroupTO> searchAssignableGroups​(String realm,
                                                           String term,
                                                           int page,
                                                           int size)
        Description copied from interface: SyncopeService
        Returns the list of Groups, according to provided paging instructions, assignable to Users and Any Objects of the provided Realm.
        Specified by:
        searchAssignableGroups in interface SyncopeService
        realm - of the User and Any Objects assignable to the returned Groups
        term - groups search term
        page - search page
        size - search page size
        list of Groups, according to provided paging instructions, assignable to Users and Any Objects of the provided Realm
      • readUserTypeExtension

        public TypeExtensionTO readUserTypeExtension​(String groupName)
        Description copied from interface: SyncopeService
        Extracts User type extension information, for the provided group.
        Specified by:
        readUserTypeExtension in interface SyncopeService
        groupName - group name
        User type extension information, for the provided group
      • batch

        public batch​(InputStream input)
        Description copied from interface: SyncopeService
        Requests for batch execution.
        Specified by:
        batch in interface SyncopeService
        input - batch request
        batch results returned as Response entity, in case no 'Prefer: respond-async' was specified
      • batch

        public batch()
        Description copied from interface: SyncopeService
        Gets batch results, in case asynchronous was requested.
        Specified by:
        batch in interface SyncopeService
        batch results as Response entity
      • exportInternalStorageContent

        public exportInternalStorageContent​(int tableThreshold)
        Description copied from interface: SyncopeService
        Exports internal storage content as downloadable XML file.
        Specified by:
        exportInternalStorageContent in interface SyncopeService
        tableThreshold - the maximum number of rows to take for each table of internal storage
        internal storage content as downloadable XML file