Class SAML2SP4UIServiceImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • SAML2SP4UIServiceImpl

        public SAML2SP4UIServiceImpl​(SAML2SP4UILogic logic)
    • Method Detail

      • getMetadata

        public getMetadata​(String spEntityID,
                                                     String urlContext)
        Description copied from interface: SAML2SP4UIService
        Returns the XML metadata for the provided SAML 2.0 Service Provider.
        Specified by:
        getMetadata in interface SAML2SP4UIService
        spEntityID - SAML 2.0 SP entity ID.
        urlContext - SAML 2.0 SP agent URL context
        XML metadata for the provided SAML 2.0 Service Provider
      • createLoginRequest

        public SAML2Request createLoginRequest​(String spEntityID,
                                               String urlContext,
                                               String idpEntityID)
        Description copied from interface: SAML2SP4UIService
        Generates SAML 2.0 authentication request for the IdP matching the provided entity ID.
        Specified by:
        createLoginRequest in interface SAML2SP4UIService
        spEntityID - SAML 2.0 SP entity ID.
        urlContext - SAML 2.0 SP agent URL context
        idpEntityID - SAML 2.0 IdP entity ID.
        SAML 2.0 authentication request
      • validateLoginResponse

        public SAML2LoginResponse validateLoginResponse​(SAML2Response reponse)
        Description copied from interface: SAML2SP4UIService
        Validates the received SAML 2.0 authentication response and creates JWT for the matching user, if found.
        Specified by:
        validateLoginResponse in interface SAML2SP4UIService
        reponse - SAML response and relay state
        JWT for the matching user plus attributes returned in the response
      • createLogoutRequest

        public SAML2Request createLogoutRequest​(String spEntityID,
                                                String urlContext)
        Description copied from interface: SAML2SP4UIService
        Generates SAML 2.0 logout request for the IdP matching the requesting access token.
        Specified by:
        createLogoutRequest in interface SAML2SP4UIService
        spEntityID - SAML 2.0 SP entity ID.
        urlContext - SAML 2.0 SP agent URL context
        SAML 2.0 logout request