Class RealmServiceImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • RealmServiceImpl

        public RealmServiceImpl​(RealmLogic logic)
    • Method Detail

      • search

        public PagedResult<RealmTO> search​(RealmQuery query)
        Description copied from interface: RealmService
        Returns a paged list of existing realms matching the given query.
        Specified by:
        search in interface RealmService
        query - query conditions
        paged list of existing realms matching the given query
      • create

        public create​(String parentPath,
                                                RealmTO realmTO)
        Description copied from interface: RealmService
        Creates a new realm under the given path.
        Specified by:
        create in interface RealmService
        parentPath - full path of the parent realm
        realmTO - new realm
        Response object featuring Location header of created realm as well as the realm itself enriched with propagation status information
      • update

        public update​(RealmTO realmTO)
        Description copied from interface: RealmService
        Updates the realm under the given path.
        Specified by:
        update in interface RealmService
        realmTO - realm to be stored
        Response object featuring the updated realm enriched with propagation status information
      • delete

        public delete​(String fullPath)
        Description copied from interface: RealmService
        Deletes the realm under the given path.
        Specified by:
        delete in interface RealmService
        fullPath - realm path
        Response object featuring the deleted realm enriched with propagation status information