Class OIDCC4UIServiceImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • OIDCC4UIServiceImpl

        public OIDCC4UIServiceImpl​(OIDCC4UILogic logic)
    • Method Detail

      • createLoginRequest

        public OIDCRequest createLoginRequest​(String redirectURI,
                                              String op)
        Description copied from interface: OIDCC4UIService
        Generates OpenID Connect authentication request for the Provider matching the provided op.
        Specified by:
        createLoginRequest in interface OIDCC4UIService
        redirectURI - redirect URI
        op - OpenID Connect Provider
        OpenID Connect authentication request
      • login

        public OIDCLoginResponse login​(String redirectURI,
                                       String authorizationCode,
                                       String op)
        Description copied from interface: OIDCC4UIService
        Uses the provided authorization code to go through the OpenID Connect tokens process and finally creates JWT for the matching user, if found.
        Specified by:
        login in interface OIDCC4UIService
        redirectURI - redirect URI
        authorizationCode - authorization code generated by the remote OpenID Connect Provider
        op - OpenID Connect Provider
        JWT for the matching user plus attributes returned in the response
      • createLogoutRequest

        public OIDCRequest createLogoutRequest​(String redirectURI)
        Description copied from interface: OIDCC4UIService
        Returns the endSession endpoint for the OP matching the requesting access token.
        Specified by:
        createLogoutRequest in interface OIDCC4UIService
        redirectURI - redirect URI
        endSession endpoint for the OP matching the requesting access token