Interface VirAttrHandler

    • Method Detail

      • setValues

        void setValues​(Any<?> any,
                       ConnectorObject connObj)
        Updates cache with values from external resource.
        any - any object
        connObj - connector object from external resource
      • getValues

        List<String> getValues​(Any<?> any,
                               VirSchema schema)
        Query external resource (or cache, if configured) associated to the given any for values associated to the given virtual schema, not related to any membership.
        any - any object
        schema - virtual schema
        virtual attribute values, either for local cache or external resource, if resource is owned by the given any and associated to the given virtual schema; empty list otherwise.
      • getValues

        List<String> getValues​(Any<?> any,
                               Membership<?> membership,
                               VirSchema schema)
        Query external resource (or cache, if configured) associated to the given any for values associated to the given virtual schema, for the given membership.
        any - any object
        membership - membership
        schema - virtual schema
        virtual attribute values, either for local cache or external resource, if resource is owned by the given any and associated to the given virtual schema; empty list otherwise.
      • getValues

        Map<VirSchema,​List<String>> getValues​(Any<?> any)
        Query external resources (or cache, if configured) associated to the given any for values associated to all VirSchema instances in the AnyTypeClass associated to the given any, with no membership.
        any - any object
        virtual attribute values, either for local cache or external resources
      • getValues

        Map<VirSchema,​List<String>> getValues​(Any<?> any,
                                                    Membership<?> membership)
        Query external resources (or cache, if configured) associated to the given any for values associated to all VirSchema instances in the AnyTypeClass associated to the given any, for the given membership.
        any - any object
        membership - membership
        virtual attribute values, either for local cache or external resources