Interface AnySearchDAO

    • Method Detail

      • count

        int count​(Realm base,
                  boolean recursive,
                  Set<String> adminRealms,
                  SearchCond searchCondition,
                  AnyTypeKind kind)
        base - Realm to start searching from
        recursive - whether search should recursively include results from child Realms
        adminRealms - realms for which the caller owns the proper entitlement(s)
        searchCondition - the search condition
        kind - any object
        size of search result
      • search

        <T extends Any<?>> List<T> search​(SearchCond searchCondition,
                                          AnyTypeKind kind)
        Type Parameters:
        T - any
        searchCondition - the search condition
        kind - any object
        the list of any objects matching the given search condition
      • search

        <T extends Any<?>> List<T> search​(SearchCond searchCondition,
                                          List<OrderByClause> orderBy,
                                          AnyTypeKind kind)
        Type Parameters:
        T - any
        searchCondition - the search condition
        orderBy - list of ordering clauses
        kind - any object
        the list of any objects matching the given search condition
      • search

        <T extends Any<?>> List<T> search​(Realm base,
                                          boolean recursive,
                                          Set<String> adminRealms,
                                          SearchCond searchCondition,
                                          int page,
                                          int itemsPerPage,
                                          List<OrderByClause> orderBy,
                                          AnyTypeKind kind)
        Type Parameters:
        T - any
        base - Realm to start searching from
        recursive - whether search should recursively include results from child Realms
        adminRealms - realms for which the caller owns the proper entitlement(s)
        searchCondition - the search condition
        page - position of the first result, start from 1
        itemsPerPage - number of results per page
        orderBy - list of ordering clauses
        kind - any object
        the list of any objects matching the given search condition (in the given page)