Uses of Package
Classes in used by Class Description AnyService JAXRSService SyncopeService General info about this Apache Syncope deployment. -
Classes in used by Class Description AnyService JAXRSService SyncopeService General info about this Apache Syncope deployment. -
Classes in used by org.apache.syncope.client.ui.commons.actuate Class Description UserSelfService REST operations for user self-management. -
Classes in used by Class Description AnyService ExecutableService JAXRSService -
Classes in used by Class Description JAXRSService -
Classes in used by Class Description AccessTokenService REST operations for access tokens.AnyObjectService REST operations for anyObjects.AnyTypeClassService REST operations for any type classes.AnyTypeService REST operations for any types.ApplicationService REST operations for applications.AttrRepoService REST operations for attribute repositories.AuditService REST operations for audit.AuthModuleService REST operations for authentication modules.AuthProfileService REST operations for Auth profiles.BpmnProcessService REST operations for BPMN processes.ClientAppService REST operations for client applications.CommandService REST operations for commands.ConnectorService REST operations for connector bundles and instances.DelegationService REST operations for delegations.DynRealmService REST operations for dynamic realms.FIQLQueryService REST operations for FIQL queries.GroupService REST operations for groups.ImplementationService REST operations for implementations.JAXRSService MailTemplateService REST operations for mail templates.NotificationService REST operations for notifications.OIDCC4UIProviderService REST operations for OpenID Connect Providers.OIDCC4UIService REST operations for OpenID Connect Clients.OIDCJWKSService PolicyService REST operations for policies.RealmService REST operations for realms.ReconciliationService REST operations for reconciliation.RelationshipTypeService REST operations for relationship types.RemediationService REST operations for remediations.ReportService REST operations for reports.ResourceService REST operations for external resources.RoleService REST operations for roles.SAML2IdPEntityService REST operations for SAML 2.0 IdP metadata.SAML2SP4UIIdPService REST operations for SAML 2.0 SP4UI Identity Providers.SAML2SP4UIService REST operations for the provided SAML 2.0 SP4UI Service Provider.SAML2SPEntityService REST operations for SAML 2.0 SP entity.SchemaService REST operations for attribute schemas.SCIMConfService REST operations for SCIM 2.0 configuration.SecurityQuestionService REST operations for security questions.SRARouteService REST operations for SRA routes.SyncopeService General info about this Apache Syncope deployment.TaskService REST operations for tasks.UserRequestService REST operations related to user workflow.UserSelfService REST operations for user self-management.UserService REST operations for users.UserWorkflowTaskService -
Classes in used by Class Description AccessTokenService REST operations for access tokens.AnyObjectService REST operations for anyObjects.AnyService AnyTypeClassService REST operations for any type classes.AnyTypeService REST operations for any types.ApplicationService REST operations for applications.AttrRepoService REST operations for attribute repositories.AuditService REST operations for audit.AuthModuleService REST operations for authentication modules.AuthProfileService REST operations for Auth profiles.BpmnProcessService REST operations for BPMN processes.ClientAppService REST operations for client applications.CommandService REST operations for commands.ConnectorService REST operations for connector bundles and instances.DelegationService REST operations for delegations.DynRealmService REST operations for dynamic realms.ExecutableService FIQLQueryService REST operations for FIQL queries.GroupService REST operations for groups.ImplementationService REST operations for implementations.JAXRSService MailTemplateService REST operations for mail templates.NotificationService REST operations for notifications.OIDCC4UIProviderService REST operations for OpenID Connect Providers.OIDCC4UIService REST operations for OpenID Connect Clients.OIDCJWKSService PolicyService REST operations for policies.RealmService REST operations for realms.ReconciliationService REST operations for reconciliation.RelationshipTypeService REST operations for relationship types.RemediationService REST operations for remediations.ReportService REST operations for reports.ResourceService REST operations for external resources.RoleService REST operations for roles.SAML2IdPEntityService REST operations for SAML 2.0 IdP metadata.SAML2SP4UIIdPService REST operations for SAML 2.0 SP4UI Identity Providers.SAML2SP4UIService REST operations for the provided SAML 2.0 SP4UI Service Provider.SAML2SPEntityService REST operations for SAML 2.0 SP entity.SchemaService REST operations for attribute schemas.SCIMConfService REST operations for SCIM 2.0 configuration.SecurityQuestionService REST operations for security questions.SRARouteService REST operations for SRA routes.SyncopeService General info about this Apache Syncope deployment.TaskService REST operations for tasks.UserRequestService REST operations related to user workflow.UserSelfService REST operations for user self-management.UserService REST operations for users.UserWorkflowTaskService -
Classes in used by Class Description JAXRSService -
Classes in used by org.apache.syncope.sra.actuate Class Description SRARouteService REST operations for SRA routes.