Interface ConnectorService

    • Method Detail

      • getBundles

        List<ConnIdBundle> getBundles​(@QueryParam("lang")
                                      String lang)
        Returns available connector bundles with property keys in selected language.
        lang - language to select property keys; default language is English
        available connector bundles with property keys in selected language
      • buildObjectClassInfo

        List<ConnIdObjectClass> buildObjectClassInfo​(@NotNull
                                                     @NotNull ConnInstanceTO connInstanceTO,
                                                     @QueryParam("includeSpecial") @DefaultValue("false")
                                                     boolean includeSpecial)
        Builds the list of ConnId object classes information for the connector bundle matching the given connector instance key, with the provided configuration.
        connInstanceTO - connector instance object providing configuration properties
        includeSpecial - if set to true, special schema names (like '__PASSWORD__') will be included; default is false
        supported object classes info for the connector bundle matching the given connector instance key, with the provided configuration
      • read

        ConnInstanceTO read​(@NotNull @PathParam("key")
                            @NotNull String key,
                            String lang)
        Returns connector instance with matching key.
        key - connector instance key to be read
        lang - language to select property keys, null for default (English). An ISO 639 alpha-2 or alpha-3 language code, or a language subtag up to 8 characters in length.
        connector instance with matching key
      • readByResource

        ConnInstanceTO readByResource​(@NotNull @PathParam("resourceName")
                                      @NotNull String resourceName,
                                      String lang)
        Returns connector instance for matching resource.
        resourceName - resource name to be used for connector lookup
        lang - language to select property keys, null for default (English). An ISO 639 alpha-2 or alpha-3 language code, or a language subtag up to 8 characters in length.
        connector instance for matching resource
      • list

        List<ConnInstanceTO> list​(@QueryParam("lang")
                                  String lang)
        Returns a list of all connector instances with property keys in the matching language.
        lang - language to select property keys, null for default (English). An ISO 639 alpha-2 or alpha-3 language code, or a language subtag up to 8 characters in length.
        list of all connector instances with property keys in the matching language
      • create

        @Produces({"application/json","application/yaml","application/xml"}) create​(@NotNull
                                         @NotNull ConnInstanceTO connInstanceTO)
        Creates a new connector instance.
        connInstanceTO - connector instance to be created
        Response object featuring Location header of created connector instance
      • update

        void update​(@NotNull
                    @NotNull ConnInstanceTO connInstanceTO)
        Updates the connector instance matching the provided key.
        connInstanceTO - connector instance to be stored
      • delete

        void delete​(@NotNull @PathParam("key")
                    @NotNull String key)
        Deletes the connector instance matching the provided key.
        key - connector instance key to be deleted
      • check

        void check​(@NotNull
                   @NotNull ConnInstanceTO connInstanceTO)
        Checks whether the connection to resource could be established.
        connInstanceTO - connector instance to be used for connection check
      • reload

        void reload()
        Reload all connector bundles and instances.