Uses of Class
Uses of TaskType in org.apache.syncope.client.console.commons
Fields in org.apache.syncope.client.console.commons declared as TaskType Modifier and Type Field Description protected TaskType
TaskDataProvider. taskType
Constructors in org.apache.syncope.client.console.commons with parameters of type TaskType Constructor Description TaskDataProvider(int paginatorRows, TaskType taskType)
Uses of TaskType in
Methods in with parameters of type TaskType Modifier and Type Method Description int
TaskRestClient. count(String resource, TaskType kind)
TaskRestClient. count(AnyTypeKind anyTypeKind, String entityKey, TaskType kind)
TaskRestClient. count(TaskType kind)
TaskRestClient. create(TaskType type, SchedTaskTO taskTO)
TaskRestClient. delete(TaskType type, String taskKey)
<T extends TaskTO>
List<T>TaskRestClient. list(String resource, TaskType taskType, int page, int size, SortParam<String> sort)
<T extends TaskTO>
List<T>TaskRestClient. list(TaskType taskType, int page, int size, SortParam<String> sort)
<T extends TaskTO>
TTaskRestClient. readTask(TaskType type, String taskKey)
TaskRestClient. update(TaskType type, SchedTaskTO taskTO)
Uses of TaskType in org.apache.syncope.client.console.tasks
Fields in org.apache.syncope.client.console.tasks declared as TaskType Modifier and Type Field Description protected TaskType
SchedTaskDirectoryPanel. taskType
protected TaskType
SchedTaskWizardBuilder. type
Constructors in org.apache.syncope.client.console.tasks with parameters of type TaskType Constructor Description ProvisioningTaskDirectoryPanel(TaskRestClient restClient, BaseModal<?> baseModal, MultilevelPanel multiLevelPanelRef, TaskType taskType, T newTaskTO, String resource, PageReference pageRef)
ProvisioningTasksProvider(TaskType taskType, int paginatorRows)
SchedTaskDirectoryPanel(String id, TaskRestClient restClient, BaseModal<?> baseModal, MultilevelPanel multiLevelPanelRef, TaskType taskType, T newTaskTO, PageReference pageRef, boolean wizardInModal)
SchedTasksProvider(TaskType taskType, int paginatorRows)
SchedTaskWizardBuilder(TaskType type, T taskTO, RealmRestClient realmRestClient, TaskRestClient taskRestClient, PageReference pageRef)
TasksProvider(int paginatorRows, TaskType type)
Uses of TaskType in org.apache.syncope.common.lib.types
Methods in org.apache.syncope.common.lib.types that return TaskType Modifier and Type Method Description static TaskType
TaskType. fromTOClass(Class<? extends TaskTO> clazz)
static TaskType
TaskType. valueOf(String name)
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.static TaskType[]
TaskType. values()
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. -
Uses of TaskType in
Methods in that return TaskType Modifier and Type Method Description TaskType
TaskQuery. getType()
Methods in with parameters of type TaskType Modifier and Type Method Description void
TaskQuery. setType(TaskType type)
Constructors in with parameters of type TaskType Constructor Description Builder(TaskType type)
Uses of TaskType in
Methods in with parameters of type TaskType Modifier and Type Method Description
TaskService. create(@NotNull TaskType type, @NotNull SchedTaskTO taskTO)
Creates a new task.void
TaskService. delete(@NotNull TaskType type, @NotNull String key)
Deletes the task matching the provided key.<T extends TaskTO>
TTaskService. read(@NotNull TaskType type, @NotNull String key, boolean details)
Returns the task matching the given key.void
TaskService. update(@NotNull TaskType type, @NotNull SchedTaskTO taskTO)
Updates the task matching the provided key. -
Uses of TaskType in org.apache.syncope.core.logic
Methods in org.apache.syncope.core.logic with parameters of type TaskType Modifier and Type Method Description <T extends SchedTaskTO>
TTaskLogic. createSchedTask(TaskType type, T taskTO)
<T extends TaskTO>
TTaskLogic. delete(TaskType type, String key)
<T extends TaskTO>
TTaskLogic. read(TaskType type, String key, boolean details)
<T extends TaskTO>
Pair<Integer,List<T>>TaskLogic. search(TaskType type, String resource, String notification, AnyTypeKind anyTypeKind, String entityKey, int page, int size, List<OrderByClause> orderByClauses, boolean details)
<T extends SchedTaskTO>
TTaskLogic. updateSchedTask(TaskType type, SchedTaskTO taskTO)
Uses of TaskType in org.apache.syncope.core.persistence.api.dao
Methods in org.apache.syncope.core.persistence.api.dao with parameters of type TaskType Modifier and Type Method Description int
TaskDAO. count(TaskType type, ExternalResource resource, Notification notification, AnyTypeKind anyTypeKind, String entityKey)
TaskDAO. delete(TaskType type, String key)
<T extends Task<T>>
voidTaskExecDAO. delete(TaskType type, String key)
TaskDAO. deleteAll(ExternalResource resource, TaskType type)
TaskDAO. exists(TaskType type, String key)
<T extends Task<T>>
TTaskDAO. find(TaskType type, String key)
<T extends Task<T>>
TaskExec<T>TaskExecDAO. find(TaskType type, String key)
<T extends Task<T>>
List<T>TaskDAO. findAll(TaskType type)
<T extends Task<T>>
List<T>TaskDAO. findAll(TaskType type, ExternalResource resource, Notification notification, AnyTypeKind anyTypeKind, String entityKey, int page, int itemsPerPage, List<OrderByClause> orderByClauses)
<T extends SchedTask>
Optional<T>TaskDAO. findByName(TaskType type, String name)
TaskExecDAO. findLatestEnded(TaskType type, Task<?> task)
TaskExecDAO. findLatestStarted(TaskType type, Task<?> task)
<T extends Task<T>>
List<T>TaskDAO. findToExec(TaskType type)
<T extends Task<T>>
voidTaskExecDAO. saveAndAdd(TaskType type, String taskKey, TaskExec<T> execution)
Uses of TaskType in org.apache.syncope.core.persistence.api.entity.task
Methods in org.apache.syncope.core.persistence.api.entity.task that return TaskType Modifier and Type Method Description TaskType
TaskUtils. getType()
Methods in org.apache.syncope.core.persistence.api.entity.task with parameters of type TaskType Modifier and Type Method Description TaskUtils
TaskUtilsFactory. getInstance(TaskType type)
Uses of TaskType in org.apache.syncope.core.persistence.jpa.dao
Methods in org.apache.syncope.core.persistence.jpa.dao with parameters of type TaskType Modifier and Type Method Description protected <T extends Task<T>>
StringBuilderJPATaskDAO. buildFindAllQuery(TaskType type)
protected StringBuilder
JPATaskDAO. buildFindAllQuery(TaskType type, ExternalResource resource, Notification notification, AnyTypeKind anyTypeKind, String entityKey, boolean orderByTaskExecInfo, List<Object> parameters)
JPATaskDAO. count(TaskType type, ExternalResource resource, Notification notification, AnyTypeKind anyTypeKind, String entityKey)
JPATaskDAO. delete(TaskType type, String id)
<T extends Task<T>>
voidJPATaskExecDAO. delete(TaskType taskType, String key)
JPATaskDAO. deleteAll(ExternalResource resource, TaskType type)
JPATaskDAO. exists(TaskType type, String key)
<T extends Task<T>>
TJPATaskDAO. find(TaskType type, String key)
<T extends Task<T>>
TaskExec<T>JPATaskExecDAO. find(TaskType type, String key)
<T extends Task<T>>
List<T>JPATaskDAO. findAll(TaskType type)
<T extends Task<T>>
List<T>JPATaskDAO. findAll(TaskType type, ExternalResource resource, Notification notification, AnyTypeKind anyTypeKind, String entityKey, int page, int itemsPerPage, List<OrderByClause> orderByClauses)
<T extends SchedTask>
Optional<T>JPATaskDAO. findByName(TaskType type, String name)
protected TaskExec<?>
JPATaskExecDAO. findLatest(TaskType type, Task<?> task, String field)
JPATaskExecDAO. findLatestEnded(TaskType type, Task<?> task)
JPATaskExecDAO. findLatestStarted(TaskType type, Task<?> task)
protected <T extends Task<T>>
List<TaskExec<T>>JPATaskExecDAO. findRecent(TaskType type, int max)
<T extends Task<T>>
List<T>JPATaskDAO. findToExec(TaskType type)
<T extends Task<T>>
voidJPATaskExecDAO. saveAndAdd(TaskType taskType, String taskKey, TaskExec<T> execution)
Uses of TaskType in org.apache.syncope.core.persistence.jpa.entity.task
Fields in org.apache.syncope.core.persistence.jpa.entity.task declared as TaskType Modifier and Type Field Description protected TaskType
JPATaskUtils. type
Fields in org.apache.syncope.core.persistence.jpa.entity.task with type parameters of type TaskType Modifier and Type Field Description protected Map<TaskType,TaskUtils>
JPATaskUtilsFactory. instances
Methods in org.apache.syncope.core.persistence.jpa.entity.task that return TaskType Modifier and Type Method Description TaskType
JPATaskUtils. getType()
Methods in org.apache.syncope.core.persistence.jpa.entity.task with parameters of type TaskType Modifier and Type Method Description TaskUtils
JPATaskUtilsFactory. getInstance(TaskType type)
Constructors in org.apache.syncope.core.persistence.jpa.entity.task with parameters of type TaskType Constructor Description JPATaskUtils(TaskType type)
Uses of TaskType in org.apache.syncope.core.provisioning.api.job
Methods in org.apache.syncope.core.provisioning.api.job with parameters of type TaskType Modifier and Type Method Description void
SchedTaskJobDelegate. execute(TaskType taskType, String taskKey, boolean dryRun, org.quartz.JobExecutionContext context)
Executes a Quartz Job to run the given Task. -
Uses of TaskType in
Fields in declared as TaskType Modifier and Type Field Description protected TaskType
AbstractSchedTaskJobDelegate. taskType
Methods in with parameters of type TaskType Modifier and Type Method Description void
AbstractSchedTaskJobDelegate. execute(TaskType taskType, String taskKey, boolean dryRun, org.quartz.JobExecutionContext context)
GroupMemberProvisionTaskJobDelegate. execute(TaskType taskType, String taskKey, boolean dryRun, org.quartz.JobExecutionContext context)
Uses of TaskType in
Methods in with parameters of type TaskType Modifier and Type Method Description
TaskServiceImpl. create(TaskType type, SchedTaskTO taskTO)
TaskServiceImpl. delete(TaskType type, String key)
<T extends TaskTO>
TTaskServiceImpl. read(TaskType type, String key, boolean details)
TaskServiceImpl. update(TaskType type, SchedTaskTO taskTO)